
It’s a BOY!!!!

You guys, I’m going to be a boy mom and I can’t quite believe it yet! I’ve always dreamed of having a little boy first and I can’t even begin to describe how wonderful it was to watch my hubby’s face light up at our ultrasound yesterday. Probably one of my most favourite moments ever so far.

I made a little announcement over on my Instagram a couple of weeks ago, and since then have kicked off my 2016 wedding season sporting a little bump that is growing at a rapid rate (We have a bit of a greedy little guy in there and I am starving 24 hours a day!) Other than that, I have been really lucky with feeling pretty great apart from being very tired and have never been more thankful for a job I can mostly do from home (while wearing super stretchy pants and eating far too much choc-mint ice cream for my own good!)

Here’s a little peek at my personal world over the last few weeks:

bump update 1bump update 2

So, needless to say it’s been a beautiful whirlwind of business building, mid-day napping and baby baking over the last few weeks (In fact, I’ve started a little blog all about it over on Paper Planes & Peaches) and here we are, at the half-way mark already and as I’m typing I’m being poked in the belly and reminded that it’s way past lunch time already!

As for Christine W and the business side, a lot of people have been asking me what my plan is (as though that’s at all possible to anticipate when life is going to look completely different!) But the plan right now is that I’ll be working my full 2016 season up until my last 2016 wedding, which just so happened to be the best timing I could have hoped for.  I’ll wrap up mid October to get things done for the last couple of weeks off before our bouncy little peanut arrives and then I’ll be taking the winter off to snuggle and watch snowflakes at all hours of the night.

As for 2017, I’ll be taking consultations up until September (and online ones after that point), with a couple of spots left to squeeze in any 2017 engagement sessions. I’ll then be back for the 2017 season from May-December next year. I’m sure anyone reading this who runs a business (or two) while baking a baby feels the overwhelm and crazy “unknown” feeling that I’m feeling but I know this will all work out as it should.

I’m eternally thankful for my clients who have welcomed our happy news with the biggest hearts, for the support of my business besties (some of which are also busy baking babies which is SO fun to do together!) and of course, to be able to plan the continued growth of my business baby around our little man who I am sure is going to steal the show but who we cannot wait to meet!

Keep an eye out for a couple more personal posts headed to this space in the coming weeks and pop over to Instagram for more frequent updates on all things Christine W and the bump!



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