Generally, when clients book a photographer, it’s to document a happy occasion in their lives and us photographers are really lucky to share in these moments. However happy their celebrations may be, I’ve noticed a tendency in clients to be nervous when it comes to their booking. After all, many of their occasions cannot be done over/made up/recreated. Because of the nature of this business,when it comes to servicing clients, there is not only money and legal requirements to take care (which I’ll touch on soon), but there are also many excitable expectations to manage and a lot of communication to get to.

Although it can be a bit of a juggle to keep up with the excitement levels, the planning complications and big commitments to various clients at once, it’s really important to make sure that each of them stay feeling important. It’s essential that they know their booking is valued in your diary and that they stay feeling happy with their decision on you and your business.


Want to know three simple things to implement into your business to keep your clients coming back? Here they are:


As much as planning is on your client’s plate, it should be on yours too. It’s easier for some business owners than others, but a monthly plan of your business deadlines and commitments is imperative to keeping clients happy. Why? Because if you have planned ahead and you are confident about the level of your workload and editing you are taking on, according to your circumstances, your interaction with clients and your management of deliveries will directly influence their experience with you.

Let’s be honest, we are all busy people these days and time seems to fleet quicker and quicker each year. So it’s important to stay realistic within your own realm. I personally have a very different experience to a photographer who is juggling a toddler’s schedule or one who is running a business over and above a full time job. Some photographers work alone while others have assistants or outsource or a combination of all of the above. It’s just about making some time to sit and figure out what works best for you and your business and therefore ultimately, your clients and their experience with you.

How do I do my planning?

Firstly, I use monthly planners that I chatted about here. I then make use of for all my workflow tracking according to client shoots, deadlines and deliveries.  Lastly, into my weekly diary I schedule in three sessions a week into my workflow for email management with all my clients.



I tend to be a fan of a little over-communication. Never, ever, assume that your client knows what’s going on in your mind. As I said, I schedule two hours on a Monday, one on a Wednesday and two on a Friday to email, call or chat to my clients.

This communication can include any of the following (and usually a whole bunch more too):

  – Before the shoot

I like to touch base with my clients, especially if their weddings are still months away. I tend to send a contact every two months or so depending how far their wedding is and I always like to ask if they need any help with the planning of their day so I can refer on to my business buddies!

 – If their shoot is coming up shortly

I use these points of contact to remind them of payments/give them outfit advice/confirm dates and times with them and just generally chat about the shoot and any questions or concerns they may have. I also find it’s really useful to send them a text the night before their shoot juuuust in case. If it’s a wedding client, they will get a happy message from me wishing them a good night’s sleep and confirming I’ll be there the next day for all the fun.

 – After their shoot

I’ll email a thank you, a sneak peek a few days later and then their online gallery link when it’s ready. I like to stay constantly in touch about when they can expect their edits, their next image delivery, their album proofs or anything that’s still in their workflow pipeline.

Again, personally I opt for an over rather than under communication model. I type fast which helps and I have a firm email management system in place so I feel like I can manage constant communication with my clients. I’m also a fan of being very open with my clients about any traveling/out of office time so they won’t panic if they don’t hear from me during that time. In this instant gratification world, I find that the more clients are coached through the process (and the more comfortable they are knowing their money is being well spent), the better it is for all parties involved and the more effectively expectations are managed and met.



There’s that saying you know, “under promise & over deliver.” While I’m not big into down-playing promises, I truly believe in the value of over-delivering, going that extra mile for clients and celebrating their events right along side them. I guess it helps that I am about as sentimental as they come and have a very strong perfectionist streak (hello late nights!)

By planning and communicating with your clients, you will not only build your brand but you will also build relationships with your clients. By doing this, you will be able to judge where and when you can surprise them, celebrate with them by delivering on your service and your product. This is one of the easiest ways to keep them happy, keep them referring you on to their friends and ultimately coming back to you for the other events in their lives. While I don’t tend to specialize in maternity or new born photography, nothing makes me happier than when my name is included in the CC list of a baby bump announcement, when my clients allow their kids to grow in front of my lens each year or when I get lovely catch up emails in my inbox on Monday mornings. For me, that’s really what this life is all about.

So, friends! Get planning for your business, communicate those plans clearly and concisely to your clients according to your own personal circumstances and then get celebrating with them

See you next week for another chat!

(P.S. Keep an eye out for a full blog post next week on the B.E.A.Utiful Cape Town Elopement featured here! Man, my heart!)

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