
I’m not quite sure how two years have managed to fly by so fast!

If someone told me our wedding day was just a few months ago I think I would believe them. Because as cliché as it sounds, I remember the day, and the day before like it was yesterday. I remember piling our car to the brim for our weekend wedding in the wine lands. I remember insisting on collecting our wedding cake and then cursing this decision as I leant over to the backseat for half the ride, holding onto it for dear life, asking yelling at Andrew to slow down as we went over the bumpy farm roads. I remember getting stressed out just before our rehearsal because there were a few complications with our guest’s accommodation. I remember the goosebumps I got as our aisle song began to play. I remember the feeling of paging through the scrapbook my sister gave us that she had made. I remember feeling SO lucky. And I remember chatting with my gran about her 50+ years of marriage. While I certainly don’t have those years of experience to draw from, this is what I have on two years married…

Find joy in the ordinary.

 Because yes! There is the big wedding day. The dreams coming true & the dancing until midnight. There is the honeymoon and then there are trips and events and expensive dinners and gifts. And yes, it’s really easy to celebrate those moments. But two years in and I’m learning how important it is to also celebrate the smaller, seemingly insignificant stuff that truly brings the joy to this journey of forever. I’m trying to take time to notice and say Thank You.  Because in between the days covered in confetti are the harder, ordinary, real days that take work and commitment and sacrifice and acknowledgement.

These are the days I’ve signed up for. The days I wake up to my vitamins waiting for me and the days I end with a cup of tea lovingly brought to me. The days that we cancel our anniversary plans of adventuring out, to stay warm and snuggled at home because we have both been so busy the thought of leaving our comfy couch is too much to handle. The days where neither of us can decide what to have for dinner and the days where our laundry piles up at the same speed that our bills need filing. The days that the groceries need doing and the toilet rolls need changing and the dreams need building. 

The days that make up forever and the days that are absolutely ordinarily imperfectly wonderful!

Happy second Anniversary to the man who makes my day, everyday.

In this crazy life, and through these crazy times, it’s you, it’s you…it will always be you!

I cannot wait to love you for a lifetime longer, and longer if I may.


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