I often joke about the thought of me leopard crawling around at a secret proposal. Usually I just look like an over-eager tourist “snapping the view” while secretly stalking the poor, unsuspecting lady who is about to get asked the big question. But Willem & Roche’s proposal at Vrede en Lust  earlier this month saw my leopard-crawling visions come to life, as I lay face-down behind some tall grass in the middle of a vineyard to catch Willem’s down-on-one-knee question & Roche’s big, shocked YES! answer.

I absolutely love secret proposal shoots with Pippa from The Perfect Proposal. They are always seamlessly planned, beautifully decorated & full of anticipation & exhilaration. But I have to admit that apart from the big, surprised, yes, I absolutely love it when the lovely ladies spot me capturing the entire thing. It’s such fun and I am incredibly honored to share such a special moment with my proposal clients.

Willem & Roche travelled to Cape Town for the weekend, under the guise of a family reunion with Roche’s sisters. Sitting on the patio, slowly sipping her coffee and taking in the view and the break away, she was then whisked off for a morning of road tripping & wine tasting. After a private cellar tour, Willem suggested a walk to the manor house and a stroll through the farm, where their private picnic awaited. Their day didn’t stop there and Roche was treated to a bunch of spoils and celebrations for the rest of the weekend, complete with a gorgeous sparkling ring on her finger.

The two are too sweet., so so adorable together, instantly made me feel like a friend & had such fun in front of the camera as they celebrated the first few moments as a newly engaged couple. Willem & Roche, thank you for being such great sports & for sharing so much of your beautiful story with me as we did your shoot. I wish you both a lifetime of happiness, loud laughing, fun living & big dreaming.

All my love, Chris


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